《死嘢 SAY YEAH》 係乜?
《死嘢 SAY YEAH》就係一間有關專注改變死亡文化的慈善機構。(註冊檔案號:91/14788)
《死嘢 SAY YEAH》為乜?
《死嘢 SAY YEAH》會拼命致力推動及鼓勵大眾透過認識死嘅嘢,令自己忍唔住Say一個Yeah,從而改變社會死亡文化觀。
What is 《死嘢 SAY YEAH》?
《死嘢 SAY YEAH》 is a charity organization based in Hong Kong. SAY YEAH is the english Pinyin close to the Cantonese common word 死嘢. Originally, the word ‘死’ is used to describe death, and the word ‘嘢’ is used to describe things or matters. By combining the two words together, 死嘢 becomes a slang with the best suitable meaning of “dead” and “dying soon.” The reason why we chose to incorporate SAY YEAH into our name is to have an emphasis on and remind people that to be afraid of dying is absolutely normal and not big of a deal. Therefore, we should be grateful, and ‘SAY YEAH’ To 死嘢. (Registration Number:91/14788)
《死嘢 SAY YEAH》 for what?
We aim to bring in innovative approaches, i.e. SAY YEAH education (See “SAY YEAH education”below) for students, in order to help them understand and experience the true meaning of death, so we can SAY YEAH to a new perspective on death.

《死嘢 SAY YEAH》做乜?
《死嘢 SAY YEAH》會:
- 設立《死嘢熱線》,支援有自殺念頭嘅你,逾越生死;
- 透過流行文化例如舉辦音樂會等向大眾推廣《死嘢》既正面又獨特的死亡文化觀;
- 推廣「生前葬」企劃,讓每一個人都可以生前自主身後事及造就一個機會給自己親自跟親友道別,學習擁抱死亡,好讓其人生繼續走得招積;
- 透過提供死亡教育活動例如舉辦講座、遊學團、體驗式活動等等創新的生死教育活動,讓年輕人建立對死亡的正確價值觀;
- 為有需要嘅服務對象例如末期病人、獨居老人等被社會忽略的一群提供一站式的良心殯葬服務,圓滿善終。
《死嘢 SAY YEAH》is here to provide:
- 《The SAY YEAH Hotline》
The SAY YEAH hotline mainly targets people who have suicidal thoughts and are seeking stress relief, to deliver them a message of: “what it means to cross the boundary between life and death.” - 《Popularize SAY YEAH Culture》
We intend to host regular events such as concerts, art projects, and stage plays to promote an active SAY YEAH culture to the people. - 《A Living Funeral》
Have you ever thought of how you would like to say goodbye to your friends and families? “A Living Funeral” offers you an opportunity to customise your “own” funeral. We believe that death is not as scary as it is after all. It will indeed allow you to understand and embrace death from another angle. - 《SAY YEAH Education》
SAY YEAH education organises various activities such as lectures, day trips, observation camps and it’s mission is to help youngsters to have open, positive perspectives and optimistic thoughts on death. - 《The Perfect Funeral》
In addition, 死嘢 SAY YEAH offers a unique one-stop funeral service to long-term patients and elderlies in memory of the deceased.

《死嘢 SAY YEAH》是一間非政府資助的慈善機構,無論營運及服務的資源相當緊拙。我們明白為善不一定最樂,但若然您認同《死嘢》理念,相信《死嘢》係可以令服務對象SAY YEAH,《死嘢》真的希望您能慷慨解囊,支持《死嘢》繼續為社會建立正面的死亡文化觀。
HSBC 匯豐銀行:741-328751-838
然後將收據,連同捐款人姓名電郵到 info@sayyeah.org.hk, 讓我們可以為您寄出免稅收據。支票抬頭為「SAY YEAH LTD」。
《死嘢 SAY YEAH》 spreads a unique culture of appreciating the beauty of death and seeing it in a new light. We understand that death could be cruel and hard to accept, however, we invite you to “SAY YEAH” to our ethics, visions, and values. With your input, we promise nothing but our best to create positive influences towards the culture of death and with it, carries our diverse and vibrant city of Hong Kong to a better place. We are a charity organisation and would very much love support from you, Please DONATE to 死嘢 SAY YEAH NOW! Your support will be very much appreciated.
You can directly deposit cash or cheque to the SAY YEAH bank account:
When issuing cheque, please make it payable to “SAY YEAH LTD” Please send the bank receipt to us with the donator’s name in full to info@sayyeah.org.hk so that we can mail back the donation receipt to you for tax exemption purpose.

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